This is the portfolio representation of Md. Mahmudul Haque. Github handle "alcatraz47"

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Welcome to the world of Md. Mahmudul Haque a.k.a alcatraz47

Who am I?: I am a Data Science practitioner and have been researching in this domain for about 5 and half years. I have a little contribution to this field. I am mostly interested in Natural Language Processing though my first job as well as my capstone is on Computer Vision. I have publication on textual NLP and reasearch experience on voice based NLP.


Travelling, Listening songs, Reading fiction books, and Watching motor sports specially Formula 1

Job Experience




CGPA: shush!!!…. I am an NSUer!

Work Experiences at jobs

Text Summarization on news data of financial SMEs in Europe.

Social media bot-based marketing for news distribution:

FaceNext Web and Mobile App: Access controlling system based on face recognition.

Street Visitor: Developing pipelines and predictive analysis of workers GPS locating devices.

ETL on Public Transport Data: ETL on the public transport data for report generation purpose of each day.

Survello Web: Computer vision-based surveillance system.


The proposed arrangement of this undertaking incorporates order of the passages utilising its temperament. Every one of the sections is self-described, and the number of words in those self-described passages vary from more than 100 to under 4200. The passages are classified utilising three classifications which are: ‘‘Work Stress”, ‘‘Bullying” in both social and digital world, and ultimately ‘‘Sexual Harassment” in public activity and digital world. Artificial neural network paragraph vectors: a distributed bag of words and distributed memory were utilised to get the features of each passage and later on to group them a few information mining strategies were employed, and these are: decision tree, k nearest neighbours, Gaussian naive Bayes, and logistic regression. The exactness of every calculation lied between 70\% to 94\% in the validation set. The best model gave 77.46\% F1 score in test sets.


Technical Report Link: ResearchGate


Personal Projects

Honour and Award

8th at Team Contest of NeurIPS AutoDL challenges (Auto Speech Challenge) co-hosted by Google, Cha-Learn, and 4paradigm.

Online Profiles

  1. LinkedIn: Md. Mahmudul Haque
  2. Github: alcatraz47
  3. Facebook: Mahmudul Haque Arfan
  4. Medium: alcatraz47

Some certificates..


  1. Md. Rakib Saleh CEO, Unatitech Email:

  2. DR. MOHAMMAD RASHEDUR RAHMAN Professor & Graduate Coordinator PhD in Computer Science, University of Calgary, Canada MS in Computer Science, University of Manitoba, Canada BS in Computer Science and Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh.